
A Restart is Required

Everyone knows that on either side of the aisle, there are fools, idiots and other fringe characters who creep around the edges. I have long feared that the support given to those elements , who so served the purposes of the left, would give encouragement to those on the right to act similarly. The ” mostly peaceful ” so called protests of the left have taught the right the wrong lessons. The left and the media will amplify the stupidity of some on the right to try and crush their political opposition, and some on the right, having a heart that is too squishy, will react by abandoning that which is good and proper…America.

If we fail to regain control, the sad result will be a civil war that will destroy all we have and hope to be,

It is my belief that Antifa thugs, with the purpose of discrediting the Trump folks, served as they always do. A catalyst to draw the people around the edge into their anarchy.

The problem is that the media and the left excuses it on the left and spreads with a broad brush, the blame on the right.

We better regroup…TODAY and change that narrative.

Rallies in a closed space Yes Protests that can be exploited NO.

Work at the federal level, to the extent still possible yes, but primarily in Republican controlled state legislatures to change the corrupt election rules that either allowed or encouraged vote fraud. Contact your state legislators and insist that they take on the issues.

Rid ourselves of establishment influences and seek actual constitutionalists with a backbone to run, eliminating those too comfortable with their minority status and thus ineffectiveness, and their ability to avoid hostile fire from the media at least some of the time because they pose no threat.

Become involved in our schools , k-12 and colleges and universities where our children have been indoctrinated because we trusted and were lazy. I confess to that. Woodward Academy in College Park was trusted, but have become more and more an instrument of the left. I won’t say anti American…just soft on the core of the nation.

Patronize only those organizations who are pro your ideas or at least neutral. NEVER patronize those who work to destroy you. Avoid where ever possible supporting the cheap but dangerous goods from China. Just cutting back 75% on supporting an avowed enemy using oppression and slave labor will make a difference.

Be willing to say “no” and be prepared to defend your reasoning with facts and compassionate but firm resolve to avoid further erosion of our lives and traditions and the social compact that makes the lives of free individuals possible.

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