
From The redoubt (and Australia)

The Australian media has noticed. They are good folks. They see the danger of Facebook and Joe Biden
We must re write the old children’s story:
The Emperor has no cognizance.
We knew this, everyone knew this, and now we are in the most horrible of situations.
We have an American President not up to the job, manipulated by the most radical Democrat Party and Vice President in the history of any free people.
Through lies and cheating, they pushed this poor has been, desperate for one last hurrah, over the finish line with a Vice President willing to push him over a cliff at the first opportunity.
Every moment his is in office is a danger to the republic, but the alternative, a grinning, lying Marxist who slept her way to the top of California politics and never got a single vote for her Presidential run because even among Democrats, she was the worst of the worst.
Now the Democrats have offered the American people the most delusional and demented and despotic “Sophie’s choice” in what seems a successful crippling of a great nation.
Clever of facebook, the tool of tyrants, to now be blocking Australian news Stories.
If all of this is by accident, it is the most incredible set of nation destroying accidents in the history of mankind,


And about that Oath. A Conundrum.

And about that oath, a conundrum.

Oath : a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

This oath is taken by all members of the military and a similar oath is taken by many if not all officials and public servants. The concept of Lawful Orders is also in play.

Military people may struggle with these sometimes conflicting demands, but sometimes it becomes clear.

That struggle is occurring now.

It assumes that the Constitution of the United States is the primary thing that the swearer is to defend. It assumes that there exists people both here and elsewhere that could threaten the continuation of that Constitution and by extension, the country that it purports to define.

Suppose as an exercise, there are people who seek or gain power and state specifically that they wish to discard parts of all of the constitution. Suppose they are even stating that the Constitution is outdated and is in some ways evil and suppose they seek to change that Constitution in a way that disadvantages citizens who have come to depend on it for protection of their liberties.

Who decides at which point in the above scenario is the swearer obligated to honor the oath.

It was an oath of an individual, making a personal commitment to support and defend.

Suppose the person supports candidates who he believes support the Constitution, and they lose based upon what he thinks was an affront to the Constitution by people who were willing to lie cheat and steal to gain an electoral victory.

Then, believing that the process has been compromised by the “enemies of the Constitution” he sees them taking actions that promise to further expand their hold on unconstitutional power.

He sees the new president, who has said that only despots rule by executive order, or “decrees” use them to a level that has not been seen ever before. He sees the new administration flooding the zone with 50 players on the field, daring the opposition to deal with them all in court.

He sees the nations capital, occupied by troops, and he knows why.

Despots use military power to maintain ill gotten political power.
Despots consider themselves to be above that protective Constitution.
Despots want more than Constitutions, congresses and courts will allow them.
Despots consider themselves, not the people , as sources of political power and will……”Mein Kampf” “My Struggle” All while accusing their opponents of sedition, insurrection and despotic behavior.

Then he plays again in his mind the oath he took, ponders it’s implications to the nation and him and his family , wonders if the center of his government, the Constitution, will hold and protect him and the society without him being forced to embrace the unthinkable result of the individual oath he took and wonders if someone will arise to lead justice back to the forefront.

Maybe it is the Democrats who, by their actions , are inciting insurrection by others who wish only to protect the Constitution.

Maybe they are really that stupid and lacking in self awareness.

Maybe if they cannot criminally get and hold power, they will really as some of their Antifa and BLM minions state, “Burn it all down.”

Maybe they think that having the votes, they can insure that that always have the votes. I think of Hitler in the bunker at the end, Mussolini hanging from a lamp post.

Are we as a nation more like China? Who will be there to wade ashore as we did in France to save us from destruction.
No one.

I think of dictators and despotic parties who, thinking their citizens to be helpless sheep, were mistaken.

We shall see.


Whither incitement and inspiration

Whither Inspiration or Incitement

Of course, inspiration usually results in good and incitement, bad.

So what was the incitement at the capital?

It isn’t simple now is it?

Some people are easily incited to violence, others take a little more. It isn’t a yes no, it is a spectrum.

Some folks are invited to violence by feeling that they have been “disrespected”. That disrespect may be something that no sane person would even blink at and would just walk away. Some folks are incited by the death of a criminal , two thousand miles away and then go about destroying an entire section of their own city.

No one expected the infinitely patient and peaceful Trump supporters to riot, but unfortunately a few learned the wrong lessons from the “Summer of Peace”

Inspiration may lead a person into political activism, starting a new business, being released from jail and meeting with the president. Some are inspired by a politician who they believe finally puts the process of politics second, behind the needs of people. Some who see that man as the “ Man in the Arena” envisioned by Teddy Roosevelt, who promises action on problems and though sometimes inarticulate , works toward that goal.

Nothing started on Jan 6th.

Democrats would like for us to forget sp many things and just concentrate on that incitement, or whatever it was, that happened that day.

We should forget that impeachment was the entire agenda of the Democrats.

We should forget the lies about Russian collusion, orchestrated by Democrats and the state we are supposed to trust.

We should forget the demonstrations on the day of Trumps inauguration. We should forget the violent demonstrations that took over parts of the government for days or weeks, causing death and destruction.

We should forget that the Vice President -elect ran a system to bail out the rioters.

We should forget that they called us Nazis, white supremacists, deplorables, fools, idiots ( insert here every derogatory comment that can be applied to a human being.)

Finally we should forget that they manipulated state laws illegally, hid information about the Biden crime family and too every action or inaction by the President and distorted it and then took those lies and distortions to generate hatred for the man and his supporters and attack them all across the spectrum of their lives and livelihoods.

I would suggest that all those things an more were the incitement that caused a few people to be fools and to be used to accomplish exactly the opposite of helping the movement toward ending corruption in our governance and information access. And still they persist.

Trumps major involvement in the incitement was that he consistently revealed to us their crimes, and in Washington, that is a capital offense.

We can only hope that his sacrifice and destruction will inspire us. There is much to do.


Who are we. Simplified.

Many of our children have been propagandized, mau maued, or followed the crowd into dismissing Conservative concepts.

I have had a number of friends whose children “disagree’ with concepts that have made their lives promising and prosperous. The reasons are multiple and we may expect that their children will also rebel against their families and re discover the American Constitution.

Conservativism has as many varied meanings to people as does the idea of religion. The complexity of modern life makes a common understanding of anything difficult or impossible.

I offer the following:

Assume you are on a long journey, say one of 75 to 95 years. You have chosen a good basic American car to take you though that journey.

The car is comfortable but not necessarily flashy. It does not offer every option plus a bag of chips. The car sometimes needs repair and mechanics along the way have no problem correcting small problems. You maintain it well, wash it regularly and treasure its reliability.

It serves you and your family well. You look around and see that your neighbors who embrace this type of car have a similar experience.

The car has never left you stranded and has even allowed you to give a helping hand to drivers of one of those flashy foreign jobs whose cars self destructed along the way.

The car took you to work, to school, on vacations and your children to a myriad of activities as you made their lives varied and rich in experiences.

Then comes along someone, maybe one of your children, who says..”Hey that car is too pedestrian I don’t like it. There is another car that is far superior. Scrap that car and I will bring you a better one.

You say, “It is okay that you think that but I am good. Just leave me alone. ”

They persist, “You are just misinformed and an old fogey.”

“Well” you say ” I have an open mind, can I see and drive it?”

No they say, you have to commit and destroy the old car and accept my promise that the new car will be better, and if you don’t I will disable your car so you have to accept this ” better car.” that all the rest of us will be driving, and then he tells you that he will own a dealership.

As you drive down the road over the next months, you notice that many of those suggested cars were actually in flames along the roadside.

Given all this, how would a Conservative respond to the demand that he trade in his old reliable car.

A conservative will say a loud and resounding “no.” He will; also build a garage with an alarm to defend his beloved car from those who would destroy it.

He may even buy a shotgun.


Now I know, too late, why the cheese was free

I remember ,in the early part of the 1990’s , a friend at Georgia Tech, Harris Johnson who ran the extension service program in Carrollton for the Georgia Tech Research Institute, introduced me wo a professor at West Georgia College, maybe by the West Georgia State University.

We all three got together and Harris, Terry and I sat down at6 a computer and connected to the World Wide Web. For those too young to know, that is the source of the WWW that appears often before addresses.

It was fascinating. Terry offered me limited access through his account and I explored the mostly text wealth of information, reading science , history across a wide range of topice.

It was then that I coined the phrase “Intellectual browsing”

As the web developed, I was amazed at the generosity of people who shared their expertise in such diverse things as Quantum Mechanics and down to restoring a 1958 Glaspar Seafare sedan, an early fiberglass boat that I happen to own.

This individual generosity was soo joined by what we thought was “corporate generosity,” Companies presented their products with a wealth of information on the specifications and uses. We knew why, they wanted to sell their product and were helping us see the value.

Also came Google, gmail, facebook, twitter and the whole host of “free services” Email, search, navigation GPS, calendars, storage, and all free.

Or so we thought.

We didn’t know that it was a trap. We walked in, amazed that there was such generosity.

Being sentient beings in a fading free society, we are not like the poor mouse who, hungry, is attracted to the smell of the cheese but lacks the understanding that his wariness of the offered food contains a deadly threat.

We should have known the power we were giving them.

We knew there was some loss of privacy, but in America, we thought we had so many protections in our wonderful Constitution, that we felt safe, and after all who would go to the trouble of looking at little old me. They would be bored and probably disinterested.

That is no longer the case as hundreds of brown shirt lookalikes scour the web to find a way to hurt those who disagree with them.

I often tried to make the point that disagreement I might have with anyone, was not hate directed toward them. What I failed to realize was that those I disagreed with hated me for that disagreement.

Even as I first began to realize that, I still, deep down inside, felt protected by the Bill of Rights. I felt protected by America

I was wrong.

Months ago, I began to warn of the probability of persecution, particularly. I thought it further away, but it is on us today.

I have often wondered about what could be considered “last thoughts”:

Those in an airplane going down, or a building at the World Trade Center. I know what is reported to be the last words or word on cockpit recorders. We have some last messages from the WTC victims and they are chilling and spoke of love and resignation. The flight 93 heroes knew their chances but fought back with all they had.

I also often think about a concept that connects to that concept of last moments. The “Day after the day it became too late.”

At what point do we realize that the options that were available to us day before yesterday are no longer there for us. We look up and see the bar of the trap, slowly descending toward our necks, or we see the probability of the packing of the Supreme Court, or the creation of new states, not for the purpose of them joining a more perfect union, but with the purpose of forever destroying that which so many have lost life and limb to achieve.

America and its hope for better future for all who are here.

We are at a time of great danger, and it CANNOT be too late.


A Restart is Required

Everyone knows that on either side of the aisle, there are fools, idiots and other fringe characters who creep around the edges. I have long feared that the support given to those elements , who so served the purposes of the left, would give encouragement to those on the right to act similarly. The ” mostly peaceful ” so called protests of the left have taught the right the wrong lessons. The left and the media will amplify the stupidity of some on the right to try and crush their political opposition, and some on the right, having a heart that is too squishy, will react by abandoning that which is good and proper…America.

If we fail to regain control, the sad result will be a civil war that will destroy all we have and hope to be,

It is my belief that Antifa thugs, with the purpose of discrediting the Trump folks, served as they always do. A catalyst to draw the people around the edge into their anarchy.

The problem is that the media and the left excuses it on the left and spreads with a broad brush, the blame on the right.

We better regroup…TODAY and change that narrative.

Rallies in a closed space Yes Protests that can be exploited NO.

Work at the federal level, to the extent still possible yes, but primarily in Republican controlled state legislatures to change the corrupt election rules that either allowed or encouraged vote fraud. Contact your state legislators and insist that they take on the issues.

Rid ourselves of establishment influences and seek actual constitutionalists with a backbone to run, eliminating those too comfortable with their minority status and thus ineffectiveness, and their ability to avoid hostile fire from the media at least some of the time because they pose no threat.

Become involved in our schools , k-12 and colleges and universities where our children have been indoctrinated because we trusted and were lazy. I confess to that. Woodward Academy in College Park was trusted, but have become more and more an instrument of the left. I won’t say anti American…just soft on the core of the nation.

Patronize only those organizations who are pro your ideas or at least neutral. NEVER patronize those who work to destroy you. Avoid where ever possible supporting the cheap but dangerous goods from China. Just cutting back 75% on supporting an avowed enemy using oppression and slave labor will make a difference.

Be willing to say “no” and be prepared to defend your reasoning with facts and compassionate but firm resolve to avoid further erosion of our lives and traditions and the social compact that makes the lives of free individuals possible.


It is Bad…Real bad

We are in the “fog of war” and it is hard to avoid enemy fire and the inevitable friendly fire.

Is it possible that misguided Trump supporters took actions that have destroyed our chances, or is it that having reached a point of hopelessness, civil war has begun.

Whatever the case, our enemies may have been given all they needed to discredit us.

I believe it is more likely that this is the final element to a long and careful plan to allow the left to seize power.

I think about the Russian Revolution, Reds vs Whites.

Civil war has been characterized as a knife fight in a closet . Both sides have everything to lose and nowhere to go.

I believe that these events in Washington are the final steps to make sure that the American people will never again rise up and try to throw the bums out. The electoral mechanisms now in place and those that will be put in place by the Democrat regime may insure that for the remainder of the American decline to a failed state.

The corruption, the acceptance of criminality and acceptance of deviancy will only grow, if that is even possible. The list of such things is too long and the desire for personal license is too powerful.

The adding of Amy Coney Barrett to the court may be enough but I doubt it.

Our only hope is that , as usual, the Democrats will over step in the next two years and lose the house or the senate.

Or there will be no patience and they will lead a pogrom against their opponents and we will in fact have a knife fight in our American closet.


Several days of critical importance.

There is no way to overstate the importance of the next days and weeks. The rationality of a Biden win continues to be suspect.
The honesty of a Biden win fail as every new bit of information drives in the other direction.

In the sciences, wherein my mind dwells, it is always unwise to accept as fact some small observation that seems odd or strange without fitting it into an established framework.

We have watched, over the past four years, the repeated and strident attacks on the President. We have also seen these attacks exposed as false, malicious and deceptive. We have watched them lie, distort and scream about the President and yet he stood.

We have watched the rallies, the enthusiasm, the successes and the love of country on one side and the opposite on the other.

I just cannot accept it, I have seen too much real evidence, analytical and sworn that tell me Trump won. The results of the election as touted by the media and so many others, are false.

I fear a civil war. I fear more a passive journey into the tyranny of Marxism’s dishonesty.

Is the Republican Party strong enough to lead the fight needed to avoid a civil war.

I am doubtful.


Happy New Year.

I think we are ready for something better but are unlikely to get it. Attempts to drastically change the nature of the country are in full swing and if we are to survive as a free republic, we better pay attention and not be bamboozled. This site will try to help in that cause.